Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Othelo - Homeland

Today is Lughnasaad, the first day of Autumn and the begining of the harvest cycle. I am heading to a wedding near Chicago this weekend, a gal I knew in High School. I'm meeting a friend I first got to really know in the sixth grade. And the rune Othelo came bounding out of a pile of papers at me.

It landed on the floor. It must be a stray from a set I was working on. So, the homeland and the roots are the thing. Yes, I can see this.

These two friends of mine were instrumental in many of the experiences that make me who I am today.

In Nordic Tradition, a person who has died will want to visit every place they had been on Earth during their lifetime. They want to visit all those who created that life with them and take the lessons of this life into the next world with them.

I turned fourty in July. It seems I am on a bit of a walk about this summer. I have visited my Grandmother's Farm, our ancestoral lands. I have talked to my people on both my side and my partner's side, the father of my children, his ancestors. I have gone to the ancient grounds, the sacred grounds of Decorah where as a child I pretended to be a Norwegian girl, where I became friends with some real Norwegians, where I grew so much and to the place I can call an Alma Mater.

Now I head to meet up with childhood friends.

What are my questions, observations, and lessons.

As I prepare for my death, the little death we all take at the Fall Equinox, I am grateful to have been connected to those people and places that so influenced who I am today.

Othelo, is the rune for me right now.



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